Your Participation
Here are some ways to maximize the chances that the seafood you purchase helps support a sustainable fishery or aquaculture farm.
1. To find out which fish species and seafood products are likely produced in a sustainable manner and which are not, consumers and seafood merchants can link to the websites listed below, get more information and download updated SEAFOOD GUIDES:
Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch
It's easy to "Vote With Our Forks" (and our pocketbooks) for sustainable seafood. This sends a powerful message to the marketplace that we will reward fisheries and aquaculture farms that operate in sustainable ways.
2. When buying seafood at the market or ordering seafood from the menu, ask WHERE does this fish come from? HOW was it caught? HOW was it farmed? If the seafood products they offer are not caught or produced by sustainable fisheries, or if this information is UNKNOWN, ask them to find out and start carrying seafood from sustainable sources.
3. NOAA Fisheries will soon begin asking for public input on OFFSHORE AQUACULTURE projects. Let them know what you think by sending a letter to NOAA.
4. Join Seafood Choices Alliance, a free program that acts as a central clearinghouse of seafood information while working to broker partnerships between subscribers, the conservation community and other consumer groups.
5. U.S. citizens can ask their Congressional representatives what they are doing to do to implement the policies called for in the Sustainable Fisheries Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). Citizens of all nations can urge their governments to participate in effective fisheries management. You can find out more about ratifying the U.N. Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks here.
6. Visit our Links page and connect with a variety of organizations that are working to implement sustainable fishing and aquaculture practices.
Thanks for taking the time to visit. Your support of sustainable fish & seafood can really make a difference in helping to restore our magnificent oceans !